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  • 景点各种奇葩的翻译 景点各种奇葩的翻译 2015-06-05

    1、旅游篇旅游本身已经如此艰难,但是下面的这些标语翻译却让我们的旅行难上加难。中国的一个机场要求司机:“Please confirm your car is licked。(请确定你的车已经被舔。)”怎么舔?印度一条繁忙的街道上写着一条警示标语:“Go slow – accident porn area。(慢行——事故色情区。)”多少人盼着呢!希腊的一条路面标识写着:“Parking is for bitten along the coastal road。(在沿海公路停车会被咬。)”这样会很痛吧。火车上也有雷区。中国一列火车的厕所旁写着:“Do not use toilet while train is in stable. (火车在马厩里时,不能使用厕所)。” 那么问题来了,请问马睡哪儿?利比里亚的蒙罗维亚市一条标语写着:“Dear passengers, please be tiny when using ashtrays。(亲爱的旅客,当你使用烟灰缸的时候,请变小。)”你让抽烟的成年人情何以堪。在机场行李托运也能摊上大事。一个中国机场行李托运处写着:“Luggage disembowel。(行李开膛。)”为了安全起见,咱们还是手提点行李算了。2、购物篇假期想购物?要小心了···我知道英国人在国外的名声不是最好的,但是咱们也不要这样吧。印度的一条标语上写着:“Anus English Academy – no problem。(肛门英语学院—绝对没问题。)”中国一家女装店写着:“Take free titty(免费拿乳房)”。确定你只是女装店?当看着一个镶着猫照片的相框下的说明写着“My dog(我的狗)”时,我整个人都不好了。一家法国运动鞋店的名字是“Athlete’s Foot(国足)”,你确定不改名?泰国的一家珠宝店写着:“Porn gems(色情宝石)”。所以是那些猥琐的有钱人的专卖店?3、食谱篇美食是旅行中最美好的事了,但是,菜谱中出现这些神翻译,还能不能让人愉快地享受美食了。美国的一种蓝莓果酱瓶上写着:“Tastes Like Grandma(老干妈的味道)”。你确定这样合适么?北京一家店有一种叫“Virgin chicken(童子鸡)”的菜。最后,菜里只有猪肉,说好的鸡呢?还有一家中国餐馆菜单上写着“grilled sexual harassment(烤的性骚扰)”。猪蹄就猪蹄嘛,干嘛要说成“咸猪手”,就不能好好说话?4、旅馆篇法国一家旅馆的浴室里写着:“Do not throw kidney in the toilet(不要把肾丢进厕所)”。吓死人了,幸好刚刚丢进去的是肝。哈萨克斯坦一家旅馆里写着“There is a bowel of fruit in each room(每个房间里都有一肠子的水果)”,你确定到了肠子里还能是水果?泰国一家旅馆内的一本信息小册子成了真相帝:“If you are thinking of hiring a car please drive carefully as all Thai drivers have a death wish. (如果你想租车,请小心驾驶,因为每个泰国司机都想死。)”需要人工翻译可直接点击带颜色字体:天津翻译公司|人工翻译|专业翻译

  • 最新英语四级题型:翻译提分有秘诀 最新英语四级题型:翻译提分有秘诀 2015-06-05

    一、复习建议:1. 加强历史、文化、经济以及社会发展相关热词的积累2. 广撒网,学习、揣摩这些话题相关的难点单句训练做这些单句训练时,先阅读1遍整个段落,专门挑出自己觉得比较难翻的句子,然后重点练习这一句的翻译。难句会了,简单句自然不在话下。在做单句翻译时,先尝试自己翻,翻完以后,对照答案,看解析,总结和揣摩其中好的词汇和表达。下面请大家跟着教研君给出的常考单句示例,具体学习吧~1. 对于大多数年轻人来说,结婚意味着独立组建家庭,然而物价的不断上涨使这一切变得越来越困难。参考译文:For most young people, marriage means setting up a family independently, which has become increasingly difficult because of the constantly rising prices.词汇点评:组建家庭:set up a family。有同学容易使用start a family。start a family表示begin to have children“开始生儿育女”。越来越:一般看到“越来越”大家习惯译为more and more,比如“越来越多的人”more and more people,但译为a growing number of people可令人眼前为之一亮;而表达“变得越来越”的含义时,使用become increasingly的译法更好。物价的不断上涨:constantly rising prices,而不是price rising。表达点评:本句是一个表转折关系的并列句,后半句中的“物价的不断上涨使这一切……”中的“这一切”指代前半句中提到的“结婚意味着独立组建家庭”,因此,用which引导的非限制性定语从句,让整个句子简洁明了。使字句的翻译:“物价的不断上涨”是“这一切变得困难”的原因,因此处理为原因状语,用because of…来带出原因。2. 过去十年中国房地产(real estate)行业高速发展。参考译文:The past decade has witnessed a high-speed development in China's real estate.词汇点评:十年:decade高速发展:develop rapidly; high-speed development表达点评:本句可直译为For the past decade, China's real estate developed rapidly,但如果以“过去十年”作为主语,套用句型time + see / witness + sth.则表达更加生动形象,更易提分。see / witness意为“见证,证明”,具体使用时注意时态应和语境一致。所以本句译为:The past decade has witnessed…更地道,注意这里使用现在完成时。“过去十年”作主语时,注意动词短语“高速发展”要转换为名词短语。3. 胡同(Hutong)是北京的一大特色,有着与北京城一样久远的历史。参考译文:Hutong, with a history as long as that of Beijing city, is a major feature of Beijing.词汇点评:特色:feature; characteristic与……一样:as … as表达点评:文化类段落翻译中经常考到“特色”一词的翻译,大家一定要牢记。前半句“胡同(Hutong)是北京的一大特色”是句子主干,后半句“有着与北京城一样久远的历史”可用介词短语with a history as long as that of Beijing city来表达,以插入语的形式置于主语之后,这样整个句子的中心更突出。


    SESSIONS & SEMINARSoThe ATA Annual Conference provides a comprehensive selection of educational opportunities for professional development specific to your needs. SessionsoChoose from 175 sessions!oSessions focus on practical skills and theory, across all levels of experience. You will be inspired and challenged to consider new ideas through hands-on workshops, panel discussions, and lecture presentations.Sessions feature a variety of languages and specializations, including:• Chinese• French• German• Italian• Japanese• Korean• Middle Eastern Languages• Nordic Languages• Portuguese• Slavic Languages• Spanish• Education & Training• Financial Translation• Independent Contractors• Interpreting• Language Services Companies• Language Technology• Legal T&I• Literary Translation• Medical T&I• Science & Technology• T&I Professions• Terminology• TranslationPreconference SeminarsoGet a head start on learning!oArrive early to attend the Preconference Seminars on Wednesday, November 4. These three-hour seminars provide a more in-depth exploration of a certain skill or area of knowledge. They are specifically chosen to offer the insightful training you need and are provided by experts in their field.Preconference Tool TrainingsoGet the most out of your tools!oIncrease your proficiency and productivity by attending Preconference Tool Trainings now being offered on Wednesday, November 4. Experienced trainers provide three-hour, in-depth training sessions—not sales pitches—that explore the functionality of their tool.SpeakersoSpeakers come from all over the world!oBeing dedicated language professionals, speakers volunteer to share their experience and expertise. They are working translators and interpreters, educators, attorneys, physicians, CEOs, and managers. Speakers are selected through a competitive peer-review process.Among the speakers, are a select group of Distinguished Speakers. Chosen by ATA Division leadership, they contribute a high level of advanced learning, experience, and excellence. .

  • Shanghai Targets Non-Standard Language Use on Street Signs Shanghai Targets Non-Standard Language Use on Street Signs 2015-05-30

    The Shanghai government has stepped up itsefforts to standardize and improve foreign-language translations of streetsigns. After enacting the first government regulation in the country forappropriate use of foreign languages in public on January 1, authorities openeda hotline and an online service to encourage residents to report non-standardtranslations. Translated signs are often comical but confusing for foreign visitorsto Shanghai. Since the build-up to the Shanghai World Expo, however, Shanghai'sgovernment has been paying close attention to the informal use of foreignlanguages on signs and advertisements in public. According to experts at theShanghai Commission for the Management of Language Use, the main mistakes onpublic signs include incorrect grammar, misspellings, and inappropriatewording. The government's regulation stipulates that all shop signs, cautionarysigns, and billboards be in Chinese in addition to a foreign language. Inaccordance with national guidelines on translation, the meaning of words in aforeign language should be the same as the Chinese words. Foreign translationson public signs should follow international custom without ambiguity toforeigners. Using foreign signs indiscriminately may lead to a fine or penaltyfrom the industrial and commercial administration. In recent months, Pudong'sdistrict government has waged a campaign in the main shopping districts andstreets to correct poor usage of foreign language in public. Officials alsoplan to set up an assessment system on the standardization of language on thestreet. Meanwhile, the Shanghai Municipal Committee has formed a MunicipalExpert Committee on Translation Service to provide a standard translation forguidance. Residents can read the online guidelines for English translation onpublic signs and report poor translations to the website. "Theinternational image of a country always lies in the details. In order to improvethe level of translations on the street, we must strengthen the guidance andenable more citizens to join the fight against bad usage of language,"says Ling Xiaofeng, deputy of the Shanghai Commission for the Management ofLanguage Use. From "Shanghai Targeted inNon-Standard Usage of Language on the Street" CCTV.com (China) (05/12/15)

  • Putin Calls for Purer Russian Language Putin Calls for Purer Russian Language 2015-05-30

    In a recent meeting with the Council forInterethnic Relations and the Council for Russian Language, Russian PresidentVladimir Putin criticized the growing use of foreign-derived words in theRussian media. Putin specifically pointed to grammatical errors and theunnecessary use of "linguistic borrowings " as evidence of culturalinfringement. He called for striking a "balance between preservingtraditional values and identity on the one hand and avoiding isolation from theglobal cultural processes on the other." In a veiled reference to Ukraineand the Baltic states, Putin chastised countries that "ignore or limit theright of significantly large ethnic groups to use their native language, [inorder] to conduct a tough, aggressive policy of linguistic and culturalassimilation." Ukraine and the Baltic states do not recognize Russian asan official language, despite the presence of significant Russian minorities.Putin ended his comments with the warning that these policies of culturalassimilation would divide a society into citizens and non-citizens, ultimatelyleading to ethnic conflict. From "Putin Calls for Purer RussianLanguage, Free of Foreign-Derived Words" Moscow Times (Russia) (05/19/15)Nechepurenko, Ivan

  • The Mini-Revival of the Irish Language The Mini-Revival of the Irish Language 2015-05-30

    There seems to be a general perception thatIreland's national language is perpetually on its last legs. But according toIreland's Higher Education Authority, the number of students studying Irish atthe college level is not only very healthy, but has been described as enjoyinga "mini-revival." There are many possible reasons for the resurgenceof interest in the Irish language. Some point to the steady rise ofIrish-language preschool and primary education since the 1970s, which may nowbe contributing to an increased demand for Irish-language courses at thecollege level. Others suggest that innovative programs at universities andcolleges have revolutionized the way in which students relate to languages. Onthe international front, the Fulbright Commission Ireland, which sponsorsstudent and teacher exchange programs between the U.S. and Ireland, has beengrowing steadily since 2006. Currently, it has links to around 50 college-levelU.S. institutions and 90 community organizations involved with teaching andpromoting Irish. Liam Mac Mathúna, emeritus professor of Irish at UniversityCollege Dublin and editor of Irish studies magazine Éigse, points to thedevelopment of postgraduate research and international interest in languages ascontributing factors in the rise of Irish studies. Mathúna says two otherfactors include the Official Languages Act of 2003 and the fact that Irish isnow one of the official working languages of the EU. "The reason whypeople are so interested [in studying Irish] is that they're realizing there'sa difference between the curriculum that's in the schools and what the languageactually is," says Oisín Ó Doinn, who is working on a PhD on the use oftechnology in teaching Irish. "I'm always surprised at people going, 'Whywould anyone want to learn Irish?' My question would be, 'Why would theynot?'" From "The Mini-Revival of the IrishLanguage" Irish Times (Ireland) (04/27/15) Wallace,Arminta